Sunday, February 21, 2010

Boric Acid -- beware ... may be TMI

Now this blog entry might be a bit TMI, but I'm just excited about boric acid vaginal suppositories. I have tried many, may different prescriptions for vaginal infections ... usually only with a week or 2 of relief. Finally my doctor prescribed 600 mg boric acid capsules (which are suppositories, not oral medication) ... I had to get them "made" for me at a local apothecary, but since using them, I am very impressed. (Plus, they are MUCH cheaper than the other prescriptions -- the last med I took was $197/week supply ... the boric acid capsules were $15/week!) I also did some research today on the internet and found that you don't even need a prescription to get boric acid capsules and that it is a common remedy, yet not often used originally. I don't know why! So, if you are a woman who suffers from reoccurring vaginal infections, check out boric acid capsules and let me know how it goes!