But one thing that gives me deep joy is my ability to be an aunt to my 7 nieces and nephews. Tonight I had Ryan (17), Kayla (15), and Bryce (12) over for pizza and games. We always have fun and tonight as we played "Trouble," there was screaming, jumping up and down, yelling, and just plain fun. It was crazy to see these "older" kids get so into a simple board game like "Trouble," yet it was a blast for all of us. The kids are also so good to me -- they helped me load up my trunk tonight to get ready for my 5 week road trip tomorrow -- no complaints, no problem. Kayla took down my laundry out on the clothesline; Ryan helped me put my bicycle down in my basement; Bryce ran my spare key down the block to my friends. They are good kids and I appreciate the fun relationship we have.
I'm looking forward to the coming week when I'll see my other 4 nieces and nephews who live in Indiana and Kentucky. On Monday, I'm taking Ava (6) and Elena (3) to the Indianapolis Zoo. Next Saturday I'm taking Alison (15) and Trey (8) to Kentucky Kingdom (amusement park). I have my car filled with gifts for all of them and look forward to playing lots more games and laughing lots in the next week.
I'm grateful that I can invest a lot of time in my nieces and nephews. I know this is one blessing of not having children of my own, even though I wish I could have my own children. But as with many things in life, we make the best of what we are given. If I can't have my own children, I'm so grateful that God has blessed me with wonderful nieces and nephews.
1 comment:
Sue, these kids are so fortunate to have an aunt who loves them so dearly. You are reminding all of us who read your blog just how precious children are. I wish that your longing for children could come to be. I do know who stands with you in that place of longing.
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